Fun Games that Teach Important Lessons


Number of People: Unlimited

Discussion Topics: Staff Manual, ACA Standards, General Socialization

Create a life-sized game board using colored spot markers to create a fun maze pattern. Place a start box and an end box (you can use hula hoops) as well as various challenges along the way. Split your staff into four teams and have each team pick a representative to take their position on the game board (in the start box). Make a six-sided die that corresponds to the six colored spot markers on the board. The first player rolls the die, and if they answer the trivia question correctly, they advance to the corresponding colored spot. The trivia questions should be taken from your staff manual.

Candy Camp

Number of People: Unlimited (groups of six to eight)

Discussion Topics: Creativity, Articulating Vision, Creating Positive Morale

Pass out large amounts of candy, crackers, wafers, marshmallow fluff, etc., to the groups of staff members and have them create a fantasy camp using these items. Have groups present their camp to the group, or hold "camp tours" where everyone rotates from camp to camp, except the group representatives, who stay behind to give the tour. Award prizes for most creative, most practical, etc. The best part is eating the "candy camps" when the activity has been completed.

Mugsy Ball

Number of People: Two teams of twelve, you can rotate in new teams to include your whole staff

Discussion Topics: Teamwork, Problem Solving, Sportsmanship

Divide staff members into two even teams. Find a volunteer from each team and have them sit on a crate at either end of the court. Give the volunteers a bucket/bag/basket for their team to target. Have each team identify "their" bucket. The first time around, ask the remaining players from each team to sit scattered on the floor (cross-legged). No players may move from their places. Using a gator, or soft nerf-like ball, have the players try to score in the bucket--one point per ball in the bucket. The first team to accumulate fifteen points wins the game. Play again. The next time around, the players are allowed to strategically place themselves where they want. Once they've mastered the game, try adding more balls.

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